Radical DIY for Hybrids
Radical do-it-yourself customers go to extremes to customize goods and services. A recent AP news story by Tim Molloy (8/14/05) tells the story of Ron Gremban, an electrical engineer and environmentalist. Mr. Gremban has modified his Toyota Prius with 18 more batteries that enable him to achieve 80 mpg.
The article goes on to describe Toyota's initial resistance to such "tinkerers", not wanting them to alter the hybrid vehicles. However, Toyota now seems that these "codesigners" might provide ideas and know-how for enhancements.
The question that we can derive from this story is what should your company's policies be with regard to radical do-it-yourself? Is it embraced? Resisted? How do customers communicate their radical explorations? How do companies learn about them?
The article goes on to describe Toyota's initial resistance to such "tinkerers", not wanting them to alter the hybrid vehicles. However, Toyota now seems that these "codesigners" might provide ideas and know-how for enhancements.
The question that we can derive from this story is what should your company's policies be with regard to radical do-it-yourself? Is it embraced? Resisted? How do customers communicate their radical explorations? How do companies learn about them?