Fear and Graphic Labels
Communication that influences customer performance relies on four key methods of framing: fear, pride, imitation, and gain. In Thailand, the government's fight against alcohol abuse has turned to using fear in its communications. Similar to the "Red Asphalt" drivers education movies that began in the 1960's (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Asphalt), Thailand is moving toward placing graphic labels on liquor bottles. The graphical labels are used to illustrate six types of messages, including:
Type 1 “Drinking alcohol causes the hypertension liver cirrhosis”
Type 2 “Drunk driving causes disability or death”
Type 3 “Drinking alcohol leads to unconsciousness and even death”
Type 4 “Drinking alcohol leads to sexual impotency”
Type 5 “Drinking alcohol leads to adverse health effect and family problems
Type 6 “Drinking alcohol is a bad role model for children and young people”

Type 1 “Drinking alcohol causes the hypertension liver cirrhosis”
Type 2 “Drunk driving causes disability or death”
Type 3 “Drinking alcohol leads to unconsciousness and even death”
Type 4 “Drinking alcohol leads to sexual impotency”
Type 5 “Drinking alcohol leads to adverse health effect and family problems
Type 6 “Drinking alcohol is a bad role model for children and young people”

Examples of the policy and more graphical labels can be found at: http://www.puntofocal.gov.ar/notific_otros_miembros/tha332_t.pdf
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